Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Obama Opens US Courts to the "Citizens of the World"

As you are probably aware, President Barack Obama claims himself a citizen of the world.  Not only does he view himself as a citizen of the world, but he views the world as citizens of the United States, with the same rights to US housing, US financial aid, US protections, US freedoms, et al, as any natural born or naturalized citizen.  In fact, he has ordered the military to Mirandize the enemy in the throes of war.  That's insane!  The Miranda warning is a right for US citizens, to give them protection against making incriminating statements against themselves.  It never was - and should never be - intended as blanket protection for all people of the world, anywhere in the world, and especially in time of war - for our enemies!

People with half a brain should know that before the US declared war on the terrorists, war was declared on the US by the terrorists.  Their actions were notched up way beyond what could be called civil disorder, way beyond a protest against major socio-political or religions positions.  They slaughtered thousands of innocents with their carefully orchestrated attack on the US.  Their actions should strongly suggest to Obama and his other Progressive/Liberal cohorts that the terrorists established the rules - the rules of war - and that they did not perpetrate a civil crime as of one US citizen against another US citizen, and therefore should be treated and tried differently - by the conventional rules of war, and not in civil courts.

I found this blog while scrolling through Blogsurfer.  I hope they don't mind me using it here because it demonstrates the Obama Administration's version of the Miranda Rights for our enemies at Gitmo and those on the battlefield:


"Post-War on Terror” Miranda Rights - Posted in In the News by tymothyson on November 19, 2009

"You have the right to remain silent or shout any obscene, blasphemous religious propaganda you may want. Anything you say or do could, but will not be used against you in a court of military law. You have the right to a[n] civilian attorney who could leak information to terrorist cells outside of your terrorist jail cell, though you should really be tried as an enemy combatant war criminal and never again see the light of day. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you as part of the $75-100 Million of our tax dollars to move your keister from Gitmo to the land where our fathers died. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you? Of course you don’t, you didn’t even have to learn English to take up residency on the dole, plant a dirty bomb, or get a license to fly a jumbo jet.

“If you are not a United States citizen, you need not contact your country’s consulate prior to any questioning because we will treat you like one anyway.”

Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder sees Al-Qaeda in the same light as Obama.  He has made it abundantly clear that he plans to try five of the main Gitmo terrorists/detainees as if they mugged an old lady in Central Park. 

Our laws require that accused US citizens be tried before a jury of their peers.  WHO, then, are the peers of these men, these non-citizens?  Holder himself said that if Khalid Sheikh Mohammed pleads guilty and testifies the same as he has before, Holder can guarantee a conviction.  What conviction?  He's an enemy combatant and has admitted to his role in the planning of the 9-11 attack.  He declared jihad against the US... that's a declaration of war!

Further, Holder is also getting pressure from Germans that the testimony they may contribute during the trial not be used if the prosecution plans to seek the death penalty.  So, has Holder created his own Catch-22?  If KSM and the four others are given life in prison, what prison will they be sent to?  If in the US, the US citizens will pay again for the crimes of this man by providing him with three squares (a special diet by the way) special prayer times, and more civil rights that most US citizens exercise in their lifetime -- for the rest of his!

In another instance, Navy seals are being prosecuted for bloodying the lip of another terrorist/enemy who is known to be responsible for the atrocious murders and abuse of the corpses of four civilian US security personnel in Iraq.  Now, during declared wartime, every action of military personnel is under the microscope of liberal interpreters, and the enemy is afforded US Citizens rights when they aren't US citizens, it's NOT war anymore - it's insanity!

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