Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dreams of My Father - by Bill Ayers?

Rusty Humphries, of, -- you know, the same watchdog group who has helped expose the ACORN Housing Corporation debacle -- has written an article on that website that is at the very least provocative. I am not endorsing this information as true, but I will just share with you about what his articles says. Then you can read his article and his supporting documents if you would like.

Anne Leary, as it is pointed out in Humphries article, is a conservative blogger who happened to run into Bill Ayers at Reagan National Airport. She claims that Ayers, for whatever reason, claimed that he, not Barack Obama, is the real author of his bestseller Dreams of My Father. I am a little sceptical of this because while he has been candid about many things in his colored past, he has been tight-lipped on others. It would be to no advantage politically for him to claim authorship of this book at this point in time. I mean, after all, he's seeing someone in office that is pushing the agendas that he espouses. And he's seeing the government transforming before his eyes.

There has been speculation that Obama didn't write the book without help since he hadn't demonstrated that level of skill prior. The reason I would tend to believe that he did have a ghost writer is that without the TOTUS, Obama isn't nearly as smooth in his communication skills as when he reads the words others have written. In fact, sometimes it appears that if he ventures beyond his practiced rhetoric, he doesn't know what to say and resorts to cliches and satirical phrases, as well as throwing blame on the republicans, and in particular Bush. Watch him say, "Hey, look..." and you know it's not going to be eloquent!

There has been some research into whether Ayers played a role in writing the book. Christopher Andersen has written a book on the First Couple and claims that he did in fact play a significant role in authoring the book, even though Obama claims he wrote it with no help. It is suspected that Ayers, if he did ghost write for Obama, even ascribed some of his own life experiences to Obama. That could account for the many discrepancies in Obama's "history". There are too many irregularities and inconsistencies in Obama's recollection of his life as a child... and too many gaps in his life as a young adult.... the tales and gaps continued -- until he became president.

Jack Cashill’s research on the subject and Christopher Andersen’s book combined with the reported Ayers' voluntary statement about him having written the book have created an "uh-oh" moment for the lame-stream media. What will they do about this information? Will they do their job and report on it, dig for the truth, or continue to deny the public the truth? Why would it matter? It would matter because the President’s credibility is on the line -- again. So in that regard, this intriguing revelation demands our attention.

Jack Cashill investigations can be found at The Improvised Odyssey of Barack Obama, Who Wrote Dreams and Why It Matters, and Literary Lion Obama Will Roar No More. Anne Leary's blog is found at Rusty Humphrey's article is found at

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